How to collect money from someone famous!!

Hi everyone! Well I am feeling a little starstruck this week! Yesterday I was engaged to collect a debt from someone famous, a household name no less! Assuming he would be a multi, multi trillionaire, I thought I had hit the jackpot and was already thinking of ways I would spend my commission! How wrong I was! He owed $8000 and let’s just say, he wasn’t too impressed about being chased by a debt collector. He complained that I was phoning him, thinking instead a letter of demand and waiting the standard 7 days would have been more appropriate, however I massaged his ego a little by telling him I was a massive fan. Turns out he is doing it just as tough as everyone else- he could only afford $500 per week, starting yesterday. By the end of the call we were best mates and as so often happens, he ended up asking me to collect money he was owed! Guys the moral of today’s story is an old one, but oh so true- don’t judge a book by its cover. Your customer may be a massive corporate, or extremely wealthy on paper but tight cashflow does not discriminate and often the people we think would never have a problem are actually suffering the most. Work with your customers and always remember that them being difficult is often just a defence mechanism because they do not know how to ask for help. Cheers

How to collect money from someone famous!!

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