Want us to collect a new debt?


We are pleased to announce that we now have a dedicated email inbox to send all new debts to. In the past, if you wanted us to collect a new debt, you would email it to either myself, or our info@ address, or one of our collectors. Whilst there was nothing fundamentally wrong with this process, there was a small risk of things being missed and as anyone who has ever dealt with us before would know, we take customer service EXTREMELY SERIOUSLY. This new mailbox will be monitored constantly, and any new debts we receive will be set up in our system and worked immediately. You can also expect an instant response from us to let you know we have received your new debt and it will be prioritised as a matter of urgency.

We hope you like this new system, and we are excited about making your life a little easier by knowing precisely what you need to do to get the ball rolling on a new debt. All our processes are currently being reviewed and refined to ensure they are as efficient as possible, with our ultimate goal as always to recover your money as quickly as we can. All we need is a copy of the outstanding invoice and some contact details for your debtor. We will ALWAYS start work immediately, and contact your debtor that very same day.

So as of right now, please send ALL new debts to:



Want us to collect a new debt?

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