Default Notice template

(date ie. 20 June 2020)

(Customer name)


(Suburb, State, Postcode)



Re: (Outstanding Invoice (s) (invoice numbers)

Amount owing: (Total amount owing)

Original due date of invoice: (Due date of oldest/only invoice)


Dear (Customer Name),

We write regarding the above-mentioned which remains outstanding in the amount of ($ amount owing). This amount was due for payment on the (due date of the invoice).

Despite numerous requests, payment has not been received and the debt has today reached a critical stage which requires your URGENT ATTENTION. Invoice number (invoice number), is now more than 60 days overdue, meaning a credit default can be listed against you. If listed today, it will remain on your credit file until (today’s date- 5 years in the future) and severely impact your ability to obtain credit during this five year period.

Should you wish to avoid this, please make payment into our account within the next 7 days, the details of which are:

BANK- (Your bank)

ACCOUNT NAME- (Your account name)

BSB- (Your BSB number)

ACCOUNT NUMBER- (Your account number)

REFERENCE- (Invoice number)

AMOUNT- (Amount owing)

Once paid, please supply a receipt to this office as a matter of urgency. If there are circumstances beyond your control which are preventing payment, this is your FINAL OPPORTUNITY to let us know.

Yours faithfully,


(Your name)

(Your company name)


Default Notice template

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