Christmas 2017 email demand template

Christmas email demand template.

“Hello 2017, are you there? Where have you gone??” Surely everyone else will agree that this year literally has gone so quickly it’s not even funny. When we last checked, it was July. Crazy stuff. With the silly season looming however, it is inevitable that your accounts and invoices will take a hit, however sending this email to your outstanding customers is sure to help. Just copy and paste, add the information needed in brackets, and hit SEND.


Dear (customer’s name)

I write regarding the above-mentioned (invoice numbers in subject line) which remains outstanding in the amount of (debt amount). As you know, Christmas is looming and we are currently reviewing all outstanding accounts, of which yours has been flagged for urgent attention today. To ensure no enforcement action is taken, could you please pay $50 today, $50 next Monday 11th December 2017 and the remaining balance before Thursday 14th December 2017. Once paid, I will confirm for you in writing that the matter is finalised and you can then enjoy your Christmas break without it hanging over your head.

Here are our account details to pay into:

Bank-                         (Your bank)
Account name-         (Account name)
BSB-                            (BSB number)
Account number-      (Account number)
Reference number-   (Invoice number)

Please email a receipt for all three payments so I can ensure the matter remains on my desk. This is absolutely vital.

Thank you in advance and I look forward to receiving your first $50 today.


Christmas 2017 email demand template

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