Top 5 funniest debt collection requests we have been asked

Funniest requests for debt collection we have ever heard, and yes, these are absolute true stories:

1. A guy phoned us saying his mate owed him a carton for helping him move house and would we collect the $55 a carton costs. He then reconsidered and said he “didnt really need Crownies and $40 bucks for VB would be fine”.
2. A guy got in touch wanting us to collect “me $2 bucks this prick stole off the pool table”.
3. A woman who was owed $175 called to see how much legal action would cost. Upon explaining that in her state it would be $250, fees which she wouldn’t get back, she said she was happy to proceed as she couldn’t afford to lose the $175.
4. Refunds are something we are often asked to recover and my favourite was the guy wanting his $345 back from his local brothel as “it was all over too quick and I didn’t feel like I got me monies worth”
5. A $47,000 drug debt. We politely declined that one!

Being a debt collector is an awesome job and the stories alone keep us hugely entertained!

Top 5 funniest debt collection requests we have been asked

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