“I know it’s not a lot of money, but it’s the principle”

Of all the statements I hear from clients in my day to day business, this one is without doubt the most common. I literally hear it 5 or 6 times a day. And you know what? I absolutely love it! It is the principle. Obviously they are talking about small debts that in theory aren’t worth pursuing, but why should the customer get away with not paying? You should never ever feel bad about chasing small amounts- $200 here and $150 there and $300 over there- they all add up. Soon you are owed over $1000 and your cash-flow is copping a hit. I always commend people who take this stance and I always tell them there is one major reason why- because people talk and if your customer got away with not paying, you can be sure he will tell his mate and his mate’s mate, and all of a sudden you have a reputation around town that people can use your services, confident in the knowledge they probably won’t ever have to pay. Guys, please if you are one of these people who writes off debts under $500- stop. Stop now. Pursue every dollar you are owed, or send them to us and we will collect them for you. Just whatever you do, don’t be a charity- chase it, you deserve it. Cheers.

“I know it’s not a lot of money, but it’s the principle”

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