Silence- Use it effectively and get paid today

Hi everyone. Today we are going to talk about silence. Yep you heard right! Silence. More specifically the use of silence in a collection call to your customer. Just trust me on this, I haven’t lost my marbles I can assure you! Silence when you are talking to someone on the phone is uncomfortable, for you and for them. It is awkward and kind of painful but when it is you instigating the silence intentionally, it is one of the most powerful debt collection tools there is. The less you say, the more the other person says.

Here’s an example:
“Hi John I am just calling about this outstanding invoice, there is $2500 owing and we urgently need that paid today” ……………”ahh yeah I can’t today”…………silence…………….silence……..that’s it, bite that tongue………..”but I will pay you tomorrow”……….silence…………”can you just give me the bank details so I know where to pay it please”……”Absolutely John, grab a pen and I will give them to you now and also text and email confirmation of the payment for you”.
Now, who holds the power in that conversation? You. Who feels compelled to follow through on their promise? Them. By actively remaining silent and not responding to everything they say, you come across as assured and confident and in a way, doubtful of what they are saying. Human psychology dictates that we like to prove people wrong, and this customer will do everything he can to win you back over. So there you go- if you don’t believe me, go and try it for yourself and see what happens. It is highly uncomfortable the first few times, but it gets easier believe me. And please remember everyone, that the hints and tips I provide this group work for me and at last count I have collected $45 million dollars for people just like yourself, so please trust me- I know my stuff!! Cheers and good luck!


Silence- Use it effectively and get paid today

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