The Coronavirus email template

Dear (customer’s name)

I write regarding the above-mentioned (Outstanding invoice numbers in subject line) which remains outstanding in the amount of ($ amount owed).

Given everything that is happening with Coronavirus at the moment and the uncertainty this has caused, it is understandable that you may have overlooked payment of our account.  If this is the case, I would really appreciate it if you could please transfer the funds today so that I can ensure no further action is taken.  This virus is affecting all of us and at least this way we can both move on and focus on beating this thing once and for all.

Our bank account details to pay into are:

BANK-                                             (Name of your bank)

ACCOUNT NAME-                       (Account name)

BSB-                                                 (BSB Number)

ACCOUNT NUMBER-                 (Account number)

REFERENCE NUMBER-            (Invoice number/s)

AMOUNT-                                     (Total amount owing)


If payment is not made today, I cannot guarantee that the matter won’t proceed as this virus has caused us to be much more vigilant with our accounts processes.  I trust you can understand our position.

Thank you and please email a receipt once paid.

The Coronavirus email template

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